Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Monday!

Hey everybody, it's Monday and the sun is shining! It was real cold this morning but it is supposed to warm up to 45 degrees to day. Yay, maybe some snow in the yard will melt and I can get around better. There's at least 18 inches of snow back there, at least that's what Dad says. I have to walk in the paths that Bandit makes so I don't fall in! I hate Winter.
Here's a link you might find interesting

I'm sorry I can't make it a live link right now. I think I broke something on the blog. I should have waited for Mom to help me. Anyway, you can copy and paste it yourself. It's to a chicken farm in Massachusetts. And there are goats, too. And you can watch them in their yard!! Sometimes I watch it with Mom. I was watching today and I thought you all might like to see it too. You have to click on Gumby to activate the webcam. And there is a volume control so you can hear the chickens and goats. Sometimes the goats walk right up near the webcam thing or the chickens do. You can only see them in daylight though because they go to sleep at night. I think there should be a webcam to watch me and my brothers. Mom says she doubts anyone would watch because we are either sleeping or moving so fast that no one could see us anyway! That's it for now. I took some pictures (oops, I mean, Mom did) of her new soaps that she made, and then Mom took pictures of me helping to clean the house but they are not ready to be posted yet. Mom disagrees with me that I was helping to clean the house, she says I was just shredding papertowels. Yeah, they left a roll of papertowels where I could get it and I ran around it with it for a while and rammed it into my brothers and then I shredded it! But it helps because then Mom has to pick it up and vacuum and stuff. It might not get done if I didn't point the way. Uh oh, I don't think she liked that. I haven't had breakfast yet, I better shut up now so she will still feed me!!! I will chat with you later. Have a wonderful day. Love, Me.

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